Published: 2018-08-141

Students’ Opinions on the Need for changes in the Educational Process

Teresa Pietraszek
Humanities and Natural Sciences
Section: Articles


Some research results are presented in this publication. Their aim was to obtain the answer to the following question: how students evaluate the educational process at the univer­sity and what kind changes they would like to introduce into it.

The research was conducted in 1992 among the last year students of the faculties: Agricultural, of Animal Husbandry and of Me­chanical Engeneering the Olsztyn University of Agriculture and Technology.

The conducted research showed that stu­dents' opinions about the educational process were very critical and their suggestions of chan-ges concerned the contents. and organization of the process. They proved that students are inte­rested in changes that and their opinions sho­uld be considered in improving of the educatio­nal process.


educational process, educational contents, agricultural university, student, opinion, self-evaluation, change, organization of education

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Pietraszek, T. (2018). Students’ Opinions on the Need for changes in the Educational Process. Humanities and Natural Sciences, (1), 123–128.

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