Published: 2018-09-101

Idea of evolution of the Universe its genesis, perception and philosophical determinants

Marek Szydłowski , Adam Krawiec
Humanities and Natural Sciences
Section: Articles


The many scientistic (Hubble, Einstein and others) believed in a static construction of the Universe although they played an important role in the emergence of the idea of expansion of the Universe. We demonstrate the presence of Newtonian weltbild in the relativistic cosmology although the General Relativity theory predistic that the spacetime should by dynamical in a generic case. We illustrate how some errors in a understanding of the cosmological expansion which have come from the nonrelativistic (Newtonian) intuition which imagines the Universe not as space and time but rather as separate space and time. We demonstrate that cosmological expansion of space is true physical effect and that treating the spacetime in a Niewtonian way may lead to confusion and paradoxes. We pointed out that the Fleck programme of sociological reconstruction history of science in categories of style thinking and collectives may be useful in the reconstruction of transition from a static to dynamic Universe.


context of discovery, idea of the expanding Universe, Newtonian and relativistic thinking style

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Szydłowski, M., & Krawiec, A. (2018). Idea of evolution of the Universe its genesis, perception and philosophical determinants. Humanities and Natural Sciences, (18), 7–32.

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