Published: 2018-09-121

The Birth of Philosophy from the Spirit of... Music

Bogdan Banasiak
Humanities and Natural Sciences
Section: Articles


It seems that the philosophy was rarely associated with music - Rousseau, Nietzsche and Adorno are exceptions. Yet, in Greek mythology and tradition of such compounds have been very clear: Pan, who revealed the secret of divination to Apollo, was a musical virtuoso; Silenus, embodying wisdom, taught Dionysus song and dance; Apollo, stood at the head of the procession of mad muses, made them the guides of poets; and poets (such as Orpheus or Musaios) possessed the ability to understand human nature and the gift of divination, and personified wisdom inspired. So, at least to some extent philosophy stems from the music. These connections confirm the person of Gilles Deleuze, whose nomadology and categories such as “rhisome”, “ritournelle”, “repetition” or “deterritorialisation”, have become important determinants of the contemporary experimental electronic music.


Nietzsche, Wagner, Dionizos, Apollo, Deleuze, music, philosophy, Greece, Muses, aoidos, ressentiment

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Banasiak, B. (2018). The Birth of Philosophy from the Spirit of. Music. Humanities and Natural Sciences, (17), 107–122.

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