Опубликовано: 2018-09-071

heweliusza 3

Bernard Reber
Humanistyka i Przyrodoznawstwo
Раздел: Статьи


Are Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and the so-called E-democracy a source of citizen empowerment? To answer this questions we adpot different perspectives. We begin with the new techniques or procedures of citizen participation in the field of Participatory Technological Assesment (PTA), and purse with ITC assessed in a USA and a Japanese citizen conference. In a third step ITCs are considered as a new way of participating  in consensus conferences (in France and Switzerland). Thanks to them we can compar real time debate and asynchronous on supported by ICT. Finally we scrutinize the hope of democracy in the age of network technology depending on the ambivalence of any  techniques (material, procedural, or rational).

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Правила цитирования

Reber, B. (2018). heweliusza 3. Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo, (19), 153–164. https://doi.org/10.31648/hip.573

