Zarys prawa rozwodowego w świetle filipińskiego prawa rodzinnego
Divorce is a family law institution that allows for the dissolution of an unsatisfactory or dysfunctional marriage. It is a permissible exception to the constitutional principle of the permanence of the marriage relationship. The Philippines is one of two countries in the world where divorce, barring isolated exceptions, is legal only for the country's Muslim population. The purpose of this article is to present and analyze ways for the "mitigation" of marriage according to Philippine legislation. In addition, there will be a presentation and approximation of the divorce law that concerns the country's Muslim population. Finally, the broad social implications of the divorce ban on the rest of the Philippine population will be discussed. This argument leads to the position that unbreakable marriages are an unwarranted legislative intervention, leading to the creation of various social pathologies. Despite the fact that it is possible to file a lawsuit to annul a marriage or obtain a legal separation, this is an expensive and complicated process that is inaccessible to the majority of the Filipino population.
prawo rodzinne, rozwód, separacja, unieważnienie małżeństwa, ustawodawstwo filipińskieReferences
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