Środki ochrony kobiet przed dyskryminacją w zakładach pracy
The times of the socialist system in Poland were accompanied by the recurring view that in the new model of the state, women achieved full equality. Representatives of the communist authorities tried to present women as emancipated. The new profile of the woman presented her as one who, while performing work previously reserved for men, at the same time fulfills her duties as a mother, wife and housewife in an exemplary manner. However, despite promoting equality, women often earned less than men despite doing the same type of work. Despite constantly emphasizing equality, the communist authorities did not care about real equality. In fact, the driving force for increasing women's position in society was not the good will of the ruling party and, above all, the economy. The need to quickly rebuild the country and then transform Polish industry to the Soviet model resulted in the government needing an unlimited number of hands of citizens willing to work. However, the changes in society that took place during this period were undoubtedly the driving force behind the changes that took place in the context of women's position in a society that until recently treated women as second-class citizens. Nowadays, we have a number of regulations both at the national level (e.g. the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, the Labor Code) and at the international level (e.g. the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights), which aim to provide means of protection women against all manifestations of discrimination. However, despite the introduction of these regulations, women still face broadly understood manifestations of gender discrimination. Gender discrimination means unequal treatment of women or men, which is caused solely by the gender factor. However, discrimination in relationships resulting from professional relationships is understood as a less favorable situation of a given employee compared to other employees, which consists in unjustified limitation or deprivation of rights due to the employment relationship. In this work, I would like to present the issue of discrimination against women in employment and the protection measures that a woman is entitled to in the event of unjustified unequal treatment.
prawo pracy, środki ochrony, dyskryminacja, pracownik, miejsce pracyReferences
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