Od Robespierre’a do Napoleona. Ustrój polityczny Francji w latach 1794–1799
Mateusz Dąbrowski
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie UWMhttps://orcid.org/0009-0002-2525-4202
In his article, the author describes the radicalism that characterized Robespiere's rule. Describes the end of the Jacobin rule and its consequences. Then the author goes on to describe the concept of the separation of powers according to Montesquieu. The assumptions of the Constitution of Year III and its creation process are described. He then describes the most important events of the 18 Brumaire coup. Next, the author moves on to assessing the constitution of the directorate. Next, the consular constitution and its most important assumptions are described. The aim of the article is to present the most important events in the French political system in the years 1794 - 1799 and the impact of these events on the legal solutions used in the Constitution of the Directory and the Consular Constitution. At the very end, based on the analysis of two constitutions and the political and legal situation of France in the years 1794 - 1799, the author presents his point of view on the basis of what values were guided by the creators of the system and the statesmen of France at that time.
Robespierre, Napoleon, konsulat, dyrektoriat, Konstytucja roku III, Pierwszy KonsulReferences
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