Drama by Imre Madách The Tragedy of Man (Az ember tragédiája) in the Animated Adaptation of Marcell Jankovics

Adam Błaszczok

University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn


The purpose of this article is to analyse the film by Marcell Jankovics The Tragedy of Man in reference to the drama by Imre Madách translated by Bohdan Zadura under the same title. The author compares both works in terms of substantive content and staging solutions. He describes the new ideas used by the director to present scenes and sequences, as well as the editing techniques he used for this purpose and other means to efficiently translate the writer’s work into a new medium which, in this case, is an animated film. The author does not decide on the superiority of one song over another, nor does he try to argue with the ideas contained in the songs. This poses a question about the integrity of individual film sequences created by Jankovics, created over the 19 years that make up the film. According to the author, Jankovics was artistically successful in the film adaptation of the work of the great writer.


The Tragedy of Man, animation, adaptation, Imre Madách, Marcell Jankovics

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Cited by

Błaszczok, A. (2021). Drama by Imre Madách The Tragedy of Man (Az ember tragédiája) in the Animated Adaptation of Marcell Jankovics. Media - Culture - Social Communication, 4(15), 105–130. https://doi.org/10.31648/mkks.6258

Adam Błaszczok 
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn