Methods of organizing animated film festivals in Poland. A case study of the Polish Animation Festival O!PLA

Oliwia Maria Nadarzycka

Uniwersytet Łódzki, Wydział Filologiczny, Katedra Filmu i Mediów Audiowizualnych


Although the O!PLA Polish Animation Festival organised since 2013 is one of the most recognisable events in Poland in the area of animation, the phenomenon has not yet been analysed. The past eight years have seen the rapid growth and formation of the brand of O!PLA. The first festival took place in 21 locations, slowly adding another location each year, to break the record in 2019 and organise a projection in 105 locations. The aim of the text entitled “Methods of organising animation film festivals in Poland. A case study of the O!PLA Polish Animation Festival” serves to indicate the methods of organising a film festival focused on distributing Polish animation. The characteristic ways will be presented based on the history of the festival – from the first edition in 2013 to the online edition in 2020. An interview with Piotr Kardas – the founder of O!PLA – was used the research method.


film festival, animation film, Polish Animation Festival O!PLA, Polish Animation

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Cited by

Nadarzycka, O. M. (2021). Methods of organizing animated film festivals in Poland. A case study of the Polish Animation Festival O!PLA. Media - Culture - Social Communication, (17).

Oliwia Maria Nadarzycka 
Uniwersytet Łódzki, Wydział Filologiczny, Katedra Filmu i Mediów Audiowizualnych