Distribution and promotion of films by the Open Cages Poland: Between an activist agenda and digital marketing

Patrycja Chuszcz

Instytut Kultury Współczesnej, Uniwersytet Łódzki


This article aims to analyse the distribution and promotion practices of films produced by the Open Cages Poland (SOK), an organisation that works for the rights of farm animals. SOK promotes and distributes audiovisual works in a deliberate way, mainly through social media, with the primary goal of implementing the organisation’s objectives. The article discusses how SOK activists create films with the specificity of social media in mind and educate volunteers on specific platform criteria rather than film art theory. This approach conflicts with the non-systemic, activist nature of the organisation, but it aligns with the philosophy of effective altruism and the overriding mission of the organisation. The article is based on an analysis of existing data, film production and distribution, media education and nine individual interviews conducted with activists.


videoactivism, film distribution, film promotion, animal studies, non-fictional film, social media

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Cited by

Chuszcz, P. (2023). Distribution and promotion of films by the Open Cages Poland: Between an activist agenda and digital marketing. Media - Culture - Social Communication, (19). https://doi.org/10.31648/mkks.8355

Patrycja Chuszcz 
Instytut Kultury Współczesnej, Uniwersytet Łódzki