Published: 2024-07-021

Main plot, parallel plot or episodic? Storyline A, B or C? The question of plots in serial narratives

Artur Borowiecki
Media - Culture - Social Communication
Section: Articles


The paper is concerned with the terminology of plotlines in serial narratives. Regarding
the formal factors that have undergone considerable transformations, media scholars
mention a particular type of composition that is based on a multi-plotline arrangement
and is characterised by the dominance of continuing plotlines. The evolving storytelling
paradigm entails the need to redefine some of the descriptive terms, as well as introduce new designations. The term “plot” is explained in the context of literary studies, film studies and the industry nomenclature associated with the production of serials. The author also proposes adopting a new scholarly term, i.e. the “catalytic plotline”.



neoseries, narrative structure, plot-thread, plot, storyline

Citation rules

Borowiecki, A. (2024). Main plot, parallel plot or episodic? Storyline A, B or C? The question of plots in serial narratives. Media - Culture - Social Communication, (20).

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