Shaping an image of homosexuality in the “Gazeta Polska” weekly
Katarzyna Preuhs
Uniwersytet OpolskiAbstract
The aim of the study is to show what images of homosexuality function today in the
conservative weekly “Gazeta Polska”. The analysis is based on articles published between
January and May 2021. The author takes into account articles on both homosexuals
and the LGBT+ minority in general, as journalists of “Gazeta Polska” often do not
distinguish between them. The study describes the lexis concerning homosexuals used by
the journalists of the weekly, its graphic forms (e.g. quotation marks), the context in which
the topic of sexual minorities appears, and the persuasion strategies used to create
a negative image of non-heteronormative minorities. Such an analysis allows the author
to reconstruct five profiles into which homosexuality and LGBT+ people are inscribed
in the articles in question and also to indicate that this results from the way the presented
journalists evaluate the world. The reconstructed profiles present homosexuality as: a threat, an ideology and a fashion, and homosexuals as a political movement and people
with disorders. The author also recognises the ”scapegoat” mechanism as the principle
that contributes to the structure of the analysed articles.
homosexuality, LGBT , “Gazeta Polska”, conservative discourse, image, stereotype, press, concept profiling, discursive image of the worldReferences
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