About the Journal
We invite you to submit new texts for the next (2026) issues of Linguistic Works. Recruitment is continuous (with a break in June, July and August).
The editorial board adopted a policy that a person (independently or as a co-author) may submit a maximum of one article per year.
Papers in Linguistics is a quarterly published by the Publishing House of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. The journal accepts papers written in Polish, English, German, Ukrainian and Russian and concerning these language in general, diachronic, synchronic, comparative, cognitive and cultural linguistics, glottodidactics, sociolinguistics, dialectology, ethnolinguistics, stylistics, language culture, onomastics, semantics, media linguistics and other areas of linguistics, as well as other disciplines, as long as linguistics makes up the dominant perspective of a paper.
Please submit your paper through the UWM’s publishing platform.
Use the following link to submit your paper:https://czasopisma.uwm.edu.pl/index.php/pj/about/submissions.
Submitted papers should meet formal and substantial requirements (instructions for authors are available at https://czasopisma.uwm.edu.pl/index.php/pj/about/submissions). The papers undergo a double-blind peer review (details about the review process are available at https://czasopisma.uwm.edu.pl/index.php/pj/recenzja, and a list of our reviewers is available at https://czasopisma.uwm.edu.pl/index.php/pj/recenzenci).
The editorial board of Prace Językoznawcze follows ethical principles in accordance with the guidelines of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics). Details about the guidelines can be found at https://czasopisma.uwm.edu.pl/index.php/pj/etyka
All papers published in Prace Językoznawcze are given a DOI number. The journal uses the Crossref Similarity Check antiplagiarism system (details about the system are available at https://www.crossref.org/services/similarity-check/).
The journal is published in both printed and electronic versions according to the ‘ahead of prints’ rule: the electronic version is available sooner than the printed version and can be accessed at https://czasopisma.uwm.edu.pl/index.php/pj/index. Information about new issues is posted on the publishing platform and the journal’s Facebook profile (available at https://www.facebook.com/PraceJezykoznawcze). In addition, new issues are sent in a newsletter to registered users of the publishing platform (authors and reviewers).
The electronic version of the journal is open-access under the CC BY 4.0. Details about the license are available at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
All stages of the editing process, including the submission and publication of paper, are free of charge. Access to the published issues (full issues and individual papers) is also free of charge.
Manuscript processing time:
- average time taken for initial manuscript review: 20 days,
- average time in which manuscripts are reviewed: 60 days,
- average time to publish an article: 270 days.
Rejection Rate in 2021: 19%, in 2022: 28%, in 2023: 42%, in 2024: 58%.
Acceptance Rate in 2021: 81%, in 2022: 72%, in 2023: 58%, 42%.
Publishing House of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Heweliusza 14,
10-724 Olsztyn,
e-mail: wydawca@uwm.edu.pl
WWW: http://wydawnictwo.uwm.edu.pl/
Phone number: +48 89 523 36 61
Editorial Office:
Department of Polish Language and Speech Therapy
Kurta Obitza 1, room 369
10-725 Olsztyn
e-mail: prace.jezykoznawcze@uwm.edu.pl
WWW: https://czasopisma.uwm.edu.pl/index.php/pj/about/editorialTeam
Phone number: +48 89 527 63 13
Mission and Goals
The mission of Prace Językoznawcze is to present and disseminate the results of current studies in linguistics by sharing high-quality studies useful to researchers, university students, educators and other individuals interested in linguistics and related topics.
We support the Open Access principles by promoting full and common access to the papers published in the journal. The papers are distributed based on the Creative Commons 4.0 free of charge and with no technical barriers.
An important goal of Prace Językoznawcze is to inspire the sharing of ideas and knowledge and to encourage a scientific debate about nationally and internationally significant topics, not only strictly linguistic, but also interdisciplinary topics from a linguistic perspective.
The journal presents both theoretical and empirical papers, which makes them relevant to scholarly discussion and the practical applications of linguistics.
Prace Językoznawcze contributes to the development of linguistics as a culturally and socially relevant discipline. In particular, the journal focuses on disseminating the achievements and research results obtained by Polish linguists, thus integrating the Polish scientific environment and sharing its efforts with a wide audience. However, we also welcome publications written by researchers from abroad.
Open Access and Copyright
The electronic version of the journal is open-access under the CC BY 4.0. Details about the license are available at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Every published paper is uploaded and provided free of charge in full at our publishing platform (https://czasopisma.uwm.edu.pl/index.php/pj/issue/archive) and the website of the UWM Publishing House (http://wydawnictwo.uwm.edu.pl/artykul/14/czytelnia.html). In addition, every published paper is entered into online scientific repositories and reference bases, in accordance with the Open Access the CC BY 4.0. Details about the license are available at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
We have introduced the LOCCKS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) and CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) systems through our publishing platform.
LOCCKS is an open-source system developed by the Stanford University Library, designed to archive selected online journals. Every archived article is validated multiple times, and if any errors or data inconsistencies occur, its copy is restored.
The Open Journal Systems also supports the CLOCKSS system, which ensures that a journal is protected and continuously archived.
CLOCKSS is based on the open-source LOCKSS, developed by the Stanford University Library, which additionally protects selected journal pages by regularly checking the websites of registered journals for newly-published content and archives it. Every archived article is validated multiple times, and if any errors or data inconsistencies occur, its copy is restored.
The publishing platform of Prace Językoznawcze displays metadata in the Dublin Core standard.
History of Prace Językoznawcze
Prace Językoznawcze (Papers of Linguistics) was established by the Higher School of Pedagogics in Olsztyn in 1997. The first two volumes of Prace Językoznawcze were published in 1997 and 1998, respectfully, under the title Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej (Scientific Notebooks of the Higher School of Pedagogics). On 1 September 1999, three schools of higher education in Olsztyn, the Academy of Agriculture and Technology, the Higher School of Pedagogics and the Warmia Institute of Technology, were merged into the University of Warmia and Mazury (UWM). After the university’s publishing house took over the journal, a new numbering was introduced, and the title was changed to Prace Językoznawcze. The journal was initially an annual. Since 2013 (Vol. XV), it has been published quarterly by the UWM Publishing House. Prace Językoznawcze was founded by Professor Maria Biolik, who held the position of editor-in-chief until her retirement in 2021.