
Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • When the text was created, there was no phenomenon referred to as ghostwriting or guest authorship (honorary authorship) - understood as the use of someone else's contribution to the publication, without disclosing the author's share or when the author's participation is negligible or did not take place at all, and yet it is presented as the author or co-author of the text.
  • Author/Author's consent to the processing of the Author/Author's personal data for editorial and publishing purposes.
  • The text is an original work, not previously published anywhere, and is not currently involved in any publishing proceedings.

Information for authors/ policy of the journal concerning authorship:

We accept research papers on linguistics written in Polish, English, German, Ukrainian and Russian and concerning these language to be published in the journal. 

The aim of the paper should be to present the opinions of the author and the research information in a clear, concise and reliable manner.

Provide original manuscripts, complying with the profile of the journal, that have not been previously published and are not currently considered in any editorial procedure, and confirm this fact on the authorship statement.

Submit with each paper: translation of the title into English, keywords (5-7) and an abstract in Polish and English (150 to  200 words) and in another language in which text is written.
The requirement to provide abstracts and keywords applies only to research papers, it does not apply to reviews, discussions, communications or obituaries. .

The abstract  should explain the reasons and the purpose of the research conducted, the methods applied and the results obtained. It should form a cohesive, comprehensive entirety, clearly and concisely provide the content and conclusions of a given paper, as well as present new information included in the paper. It must not provide information or statements absent from the main text and should not contain details of secondary importance or doubtful information intended to increase the length of the text. It should be understandable without reference to the text of the paper. Do not include in the abstract terms that are not commonly used, abbreviations, references to parts of the paper, references to tables or figures. No references to literature are allowed. All information included in the abstract should also be present in the main part of the paper.

The title of the paper should be comprehensible, concise, but possibly precisely informative with regard to the content.

Do not send manuscripts (original or corrected versions) that have been previously submitted to “Prace Językoznawcze”, but were rejected by reviewers and/or the editors.

Translations are acceptable, but they must refer to the original and must fully satisfy the copyright law criteria, including the need to obtain and to present to the editors the consent of the copyright owners for the translation to be published by the author in "Prace Językoznawcze”.

It is considered plagiarism to use fragments of texts and/or data without recognising the authorship, presented as if the plagiarist was their author. As regards the procedure concerning discovered plagiarism cases, see ethical recommendations:

With the ghostwriting firewall, the editors require the authors of the publication to provide their affiliation and to disclose whether somebody else other than the author of the text has developed the concept, collected data etc. and to indicate the person who performed the above mentioned work. The responsibility for the accuracy of the information is on the author submitting the text for publishing.

With the guest authorship firewall, in case the text submitted to „Prace Językoznawcze” has two or more authors, the editors require providing the information on the percentage share of individual authors’ contribution to the publication. The statement should bear signatures of all authors of the text.

Rules for preparing texts for publishing in "Prace Językoznawcze":

The “Prace Językoznawcze” quarterly accepts for publication previously unpublished materials that satisfy ethical criteria and editorial requirements applied by the journal.

The maximum size of the paper is 40,000 characters (with spaces, abstract, keywords, bibliography and references), the maximum size of a review, a discussion, a report: 20,000 characters (with spaces, bibliography and references).

Each text should be accompanied with the name of the author, their e-mail address and affiliation for the text. If the publication submitted to “Prace Językoznawcze” has two or more authors, the authors are obliged to provide their individual percentage contribution to the publication.

Manuscripts prepared in Word (.doc or .docx formats) are accepted for printing. If the text contains any special characters or symbols, tables or figures, a PDF version of the text should be also sent. The sources must be provided for all photos, drawings, schemas and charts. Do not include in the text any illustration materials to which you have no copyrights or if you are not certain that consent for their public use has been given.

Use the following format settings: size: A4, font: Times New Roman, font size in the main text: 12, in footnotes: 10, line spacing: 1.5, paragraph tab: 10. The following margins should be used: top: 25 mm, bottom: 35 mm, left: 35 mm, right: 35. Italics and bold can be used in the text. Use italics to highlight terms and phrases discussed in the text, foreign words and titles of books, chapters and papers. For journal titles, use the quotation marks. Do not use underlining or caps.

Follow the order of the introductory part of the text as specified below:

I. Author’s data (left alignment)

Given name/names and surname


ORCID number (full reference). The authors without an ORCID number are required to obtain it (from

e-mail address


Alina Naruszewicz-Duchlińska

University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn



II. Metatexts

A) For the texts in Polish

The title of the text in Polish

The title of the text in English

Abstract in Polish

Keywords in Polish

Abstract in English

Keywords in English

B) For the texts in English

The title of the text in English

The title of the text in Polish

Abstract in English

Keywords in English

Abstract in Polish

Keywords in Polish

C) For the texts in German

The title of the text in German

The title of the text in Polish

The title of the text in English

Abstract in German

Keywords in German

Abstract in Polish

Keywords in Polish

Abstract in English

Keywords in English

E) For the texts in Russian

The title of the text in Russian

The title of the text in Polish

The title of the text in English

Abstract in Russian

Keywords in Russian

Abstract in Polish

Keywords in Polish

Abstract in English

Keywords in English

The descriptive footnotes should be placed under the main text on the given page. They should be numbered (continuous numbering). Bibliographical (the so-called internal) references in the text should contain the surname of the author, the year of publication and its page, e.g. (Skubalanka 1988: 11).

Cited references, names and affiliations must be published in Roman alphabet.

A bibliography should be provided at the end of the paper. It should contain only those items that are referred to in the text. The rules for recording bibliographical entries are as follows:


The surname of the author, the first letter of the given name, publication year in brackets, the title in italics after a colon, the place of publication after a period and it should end with a period, e.g.

Kucała M. (1994): Twoja mowa cię zdradza. Regionalizmy i dialektyzmy języka polskiego. Kraków.

In case of edited works, add a note (ed/eds) after the surname of the author, e.g.

Dubisz S. (ed.) (2003): Uniwersalny słownik języka polskiego. Vol. I-III. Warszawa.

For translations, also provide the surname of the translator, e.g.

Ong W.J. (1992): Oralność i piśmienność. Słowo poddane technologii. Japola trans. Lublin.

Journal article:

The surname of the author, the first letter of the given name, the year of publication in brackets, the title in italics after a colon, the title of the journal in quotation marks after a period, the number of the journal, pages (first and last page of the paper) after a comma, end with a period, e.g.

Grabias S. (1997): Mowa i jej zaburzenia. „Audiofonologia” X, pp. 9-36.

Chapter in the monograph:

The surname of the author, the first letter of the given name, publication year in brackets, the title in italics after a colon, a period, [In:] and a title of the monograph in italics, a period, the first letter of the given name of the editor and their surname followed by ed/eds in brackets a period, the place, a comma and pages (first and last) of the chapter, with a period at the end, e.g.

Zieliński M. (2004): Język prawny, język administracyjny, język urzędowy. [In:] Język – Prawo – Społeczeństwo. E. Malinowska (ed). Opole, pp. 9-18.


The surname and the first letter of the given name of the author of the quoted text, a year in brackets, a colon and the title in italics, “The name of the website”, <link>, a comma, the date of access, with a period at the end, e.g.

Goodman T. (2013): Mysteries of Laura: TV Review, “The Hollywood Reporter”,, accessed: 13.08.2019.

If some elements of the website description prove impossible to be established, please provide as many details as possible.

Please do not use the Cyrillic script in and the bibliography. Instead, transliterate any Cyrillic text according to the Library of Congress romanisation tables (

Furthermore, please check whether all in-text references are included in the bibliography; and vice versa, check whether all references in the bibliography appear in the body of your article. Also make sure that the translation of the abstract and key words is satisfactory.

When submitting your paper, please attach an anonymised version (without your personal data and affiliations; any references to the names of projects, own analyses etc. should be replaced with the word ‘anonymised’).

The editorial board of Prace Językoznawcze reserves the right to reject a paper that does not meet the substantive, formal or ethical requirements at any stage of the publishing process.


Procedure for handling submitted manuscripts, including the tasks of the editorial board and the reviewing process:

The paper qualifies for publication after obtaining two positive reviews and implementing recommendations contained in the reviews (if any), and provided that the submitted text complies with the profile of the journal. The editors reserve the right to pre-evaluate the text to check its compliancy with the journal profile and to refuse further editorial procedures if the text is not compliant with the profile or does not satisfy ethical standards and/or substantive and linguistic standards required from research publications. The opinion of the editorial board is final.

Research papers accepted by the editorial board are sent for further consultation by independent reviewers. Research reviews, book reviews, conference reports and obituary notices are not submitted for an external review. For such papers, the decision on publication or rejection is made by the editorial board.

Authors are notified by the editors about the decision concerning further proceeding or rejection of the text. This information is sent to the e-mail address provided in the submission of the publication. In case of publications with multiple authors, the editors correspond with the person who submitted the text to the “Prace Językoznawcze” quarterly.

After a positive opinion of the editorial board, two independent reviewers are appointed from research institutions other than the one with which the author of the publication is affiliated, to review each publication. The reviewers are researchers with significant scientific achievements and knowledge in the area discussed in the reviewed text.

The review is understood as an objective opinion concerning the submitted manuscript, based on professional knowledge of the reviewer in a given field and research discipline. It should be expressed clearly and supported with arguments. The subject of the evaluation is the text. Personal criticism of the author is unacceptable. Reviews containing personal remarks will not be considered by the editorial board of “Prace Językoznawcze”. The reviews should be sent to the editors within the previously agreed time limit. Each reviewer who resigns from the reviewing task should immediately notify the editors about this fact.

While selecting the reviewer, the editorial board makes every effort to avoid any conflicts of interests. The conflict of interests is understood as direct personal relations (in particular, consanguinity up to the second degree, marriage), professional reporting relations or direct research cooperation within two last years preceding the review preparation between the reviewer and the author.

The authors of the publication and the reviewers do not know their identities (double-blind review process). If the reviewer suspects, based on the text or other reasons (e.g. the subject matter undertaken) the identity of the author and believes that a conflict of interests exists, the reviewer is obliged to immediately notify the editors about this fact. The editors resolve any doubts and, maintaining the anonymity of the author, shall notify the reviewer whether a conflict of interests really exists. If it is the case, the text is sent to another reviewer.

The review has a written form and ends with a clear conclusion to accept the paper for publication or to reject it. The review is presented in an editorial form. Negative reviews must contain justification for the opinion on rejecting the text. In case of detailed remarks, it is accepted to insert them in the comments to the manuscript. In such a case, the reviewers are obliged to remove metadata that might indicate their authorship.

If the reviewers express positive opinions, the paper – after the author introduces any required amendments and corrections – is sent to be printed. If the opinion of reviewers is negative, the text is rejected. If the opinions are different, the editors ask the third reviewer for another opinion. After obtaining their opinion, the editorial board makes a decision about printing or rejecting the text.

If the reviewer accepts the paper to be published without any comments, the author is provided only with the information that the paper received positive reviews. If the reviews contain any comments, they are sent to the author after removing the metadata due to the need to preserve anonymity.

If the reviewers accept the text to be published under the condition of including the required corrections (suggested changes, amendments etc.), the author receives the text of the paper submitted for publication with the comments of the reviewers and the reviews. The editors have the right to attach their own proposals of changes and amendments and linguistic improvements to the reviewers’ remarks.

The author can resign from the publication if they do not agree with the validity of the opinions received. If the author decides to proceed with the text, they are obliged to respond to the reviews and to correct the paper according to the reviewers' remarks, or, to justify their failure to apply suggested corrections or amendments in the response to the reviews, and to submit to editors the final version of the text and a response to the review in the electronic form.

No response from the author within a month after receiving information concerning reviews suggesting the changes from the editors is considered as a decision on resigning from publication in “Prace Językoznawcze”. In case of unequivocally positive reviews, no response to the reviews or contact with the editors is required.

Personal data and affiliations of the authors and the reviewers of papers submitted to “Prace Językoznawcze” are published on the website and in the printed version of the journal, following the GDPR principles. In order to maintain anonymity, the identity of persons reviewing individual papers is not disclosed.