Minimal text as an element of the linguistic landscape of a campus as based on Kortowo Campus in Olsztyn

Magdalena Makowska

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie UWM


Nowadays, linguistic landscapes undergo extensive linguistic research. Researchers who focus on the concept of the linguistic landscape wish to determine how textualised urban spaces are and what information is provided by the messages present in them, e.g. information boards, signboards, or advertisements. Increasingly more attention is also being paid to the linguistic landscapes of semi-public spaces, which include offices, hospitals, and schools. The object of research presented in this article are messages that make up the linguistic landscape of Kortowo Campus in Olsztyn. The aim of analysis, which was performed within the framework of the schoolscape concept, is to indicate the
dominant functional discourses in this linguistic landscape represented by certain types
of minimal texts and to show whether the superficial, compositional and communicative
minimalism of the messages, which are often multimodal, allows for the realisation of the
function of text assigned to the space of an educational institution. The study identifies
eleven functional discourses represented in the linguistic landscape of Kortowo and
confirms the ability of minimal texts to realise functions inherent in an educational


linguistic landscape, schoolscape, urban text in academic space, minimal text

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Cited by

Makowska, M. . (2024). Minimal text as an element of the linguistic landscape of a campus as based on Kortowo Campus in Olsztyn. Prace Językoznawcze, 26(1), 263–282.

Magdalena Makowska 
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie UWM