Psychological correlates of attitudes towards COVID-19 vaccines among Polish respondents – a snapshot study before the start of the massive vaccination campaign
Łukasz Jach
University of Silesia in Katowice
Łukasz Lamża
Jagiellonian University
Paulina Wardawy
University of Silesia in Katowice
COVID-19 vaccines are recognized as a way to stop the ongoing pandemic. However, for this method to be effective, it requires a high level of people’s willingness to be vaccinated. The aim of this study was to measure psychological aspects of attitudes towards vaccination against COVID-19 during the time when the vaccine was developed but not yet
distributed among Polish citizens.
An online survey study was conducted on a sample of 468 Polish participants. We used questionnaires to measure attitudes towards the COVID-19 vaccine, fear of COVID, the general tendency to conspiracy ideation and conspiracy beliefs about COVID-19, knowledge
about vaccines, attitudes towards science, previous protective behaviors during pandemic, perceived infectability, and germ avoidance. We also tested the associations of attitudes towards the COVID-19 vaccine with participants’ experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic, gender, age, and level of education.
The analyses revealed correlations between attitudes towards the COVID-19 vaccine with most of the variables studied. A regression model with predictors such as fear of COVID, attitudes towards science, and conspiracy beliefs related to COVID-19, explained 46%
of the variance of the attitudes towards the COVID-19 vaccine. Male participants were more positive about the COVID-19 vaccine than female participants. Attitudes towards the COVID-19 vaccine were not related to participants’ personal experiences of pandemic,
age or level of education.
The obtained results show the importance of psychological aspects concerning attitudes towards vaccination, which can be considered in designing future preventive public interventions.
Słowa kluczowe:
attitudes towards COVID-19 vaccination, attitudes towards science, COVID-19 pandemic, psychological contexts of attitudes towards COVID-19 pandemic, conspiracist ideationBibliografia
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