Selected aspects of the functioning of prospective memory in people with chronic respiratory diseases

Marta Witkowska

Uniwersytet Gdański, Instytut Psychologii


The efficiency of the respiratory system determines the good physical condition of man and proper functioning of the brain. Respiratory failure is associated with the processes of physiological aging of the body or chronic diseases such as chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD). Limiting oxygen transport to the brain directly reduces mental fitness. Prospective memory (PM) is a set of processes or abilities enabling the formulation of goals and intentions, storing them and achieving them in the future. The main purpose of the research was to determine the general characteristics of PM functioning in people with selected respiratory diseases. It was assumed that the type of disease and the degree of respiratory failure affect mental functions.
116 adults took part in the studies (average age = 52.4 years; SD = 6.41) with diagnosed bronchial asthma (EXP2: N = 30) and COPU (Exp1: N = 32) and people from control groups - patients with patients with allergic rhinitis (KO1: N = 27) and healthy people (KO2: N = 27). No statistically significant inter -group differences were found in terms of education and the age of the examined persons. The following methods were used: The Cambridge Prospective Memory Test (Campromt), Prospective and Remettive Memory Questionnaire, Rey-Osterrieth Figure Test, repetition of numbers with WAiS-R, Wais-R numbers, point combination test and Beck's depression inventory.
People with COPD, compared to control groups and Exp2, obtained lower results in virtually all tests examining cognitive functioning, including in PM (Camprompt F (3.112) = 38.55; p <0.001). It has been shown that the level of respiratory efficiency is the strongest predictor of PM dysfunction in patients with COPD (beta = 0.56; p <0.001) and with EXP2 (beta = 0.84; p <0.001).
Respiratory failure carries the risk of serious cognitive disorders that are associated with respiratory indicators. Patients with diagnosed asthma or COPD are required to actively participate in therapy, including predicting situations that can lead to so -called exacerbations. However, the results obtained suggest that people from the COPD may not cope with the therapeutic requirements imposed on them.


prospective memory, respiratory failure, copd, asthma, cognitive functions

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Cited by

Witkowska, M. (2024). Selected aspects of the functioning of prospective memory in people with chronic respiratory diseases. The Review of Psychology, 67(1), 45–68.

Marta Witkowska 
Uniwersytet Gdański, Instytut Psychologii