Values of Mediasphere and E-Culture

Ludmila Baeva

Astrakhan State University & Saint-Petersburg State University


The article focuses on the axiological aspects of consciousness under conditions of the development of contemporary media culture and e-culture. Relying on theories of mediaphilosophy the author considers the media as a main factor of the determination of human value in the information society. The research is aimed at eliciting the peculiarities of modern media culture in the context of an existential and axiological approach that enables the determination of the effect the development of the mediasphere in modern culture has on the world of human values. In this case, media (mediasphere) is understood in its broad sense as a sphere of electronic communication with diverse forms of appearance and electronic mass media, generating the global information space. The author suggests the analysis of the penetration of communication e-culture (and its forms) and media-culture. The author argues that the values of media-culture (freedom, personality orientation, pragmatism, and other) developed under the conditions of information and ethic pluralism, which give a person more responsibility of spiritual choice.


Values     existential axiology     media-culture     e-culture     freedom     personality

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Cited by

Baeva, L. (2019). Values of Mediasphere and E-Culture. Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski, 8(1), 173–184.

Ludmila Baeva 
Astrakhan State University & Saint-Petersburg State University