Regional urban studies as a promising trend in Kazakhstan linguistics

Gulnara Suyunova

Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute

Olga Andryuchshenko

Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute


s, including the use of urbonymic systems from the point of view of their communicative existence. Urbonymes, their typology, linguistic analysis of functioning of systems of Kazakhstan cities-related onomastic terms are promising issues of Kazakhstan’s Russian studies. The authors emphasize the close relation of onomastic processes to the society life. The formation of onomastic space of independent Kazakhstan and the definition of its national expression are considered by the researchers as one of the most important problems of the modern Kazakhstan linguistics. Language planning and language policy should become an integral part of a general policy aimed at improving the social, economic and cultural situation in the city. This provision is significant for the nomination process in Pavlodar, the onomastic system of which, like of a similar system of any Kazakhstan city, reflects the sociocultural changes taking and having already taken place. The article specifically shows promising new approaches to the study of the city, in particular, from the standpoint of study of general cultural landscape of the city.


linguistic urban studies     system     comprehensive     urbonyme     onomastic in Kazakhstan

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Cited by

Suyunova, G., & Andryuchshenko, O. (2017). Regional urban studies as a promising trend in Kazakhstan linguistics. Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski, 8(1), 227–236.

Gulnara Suyunova 
Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute
Olga Andryuchshenko 
Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute