Occasional word-formation as a dynamic aspect of the Russian language derivational system

Окказиональное словообразование как динамический аспект деривационной системы русского языка

Tatyana Shchuklina

Kazański Uniwersytet Państwowy


The article is devoted to the study of unusual word-formation as a manifestation of the dynamic aspect of Russian word-formation. The subject of the research are active wordbuilding processes of the modern Russian language, structural-semantic and functionalpragmatic characteristics of occasional units. The research is based on theoretical contributions of W. von Humboldt where the language is considered not only as a product of human activity but as an activity itself, and ideas of E. A. Zemskaya of activity nature of the Russian wordformation as a subsystem of the general language system. Revealing of productive methods and techniques of occasional neologisms formation functioning in the Russian newspaper periodicals testifies that occasional word-formation is one of the most important operating mechanisms of the Russian language derivational system; the dynamics of word-formation processes in the language of mass media reflects general trends of the modern Russian literary language development, taking place within the framework of language democratization and liberalization.


occasional word-formation     occasional neologisms     models of occasional word-formation     methods of occasional word-formation     language of mass media

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Cited by

Shchuklina, T. (2019). Occasional word-formation as a dynamic aspect of the Russian language derivational system: Окказиональное словообразование как динамический аспект деривационной системы русского языка. Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski, 10(1), 445–452. https://doi.org/10.31648/pw.4536

Tatyana Shchuklina 
Kazański Uniwersytet Państwowy