The system of the Russian prosody
Системность просодического уровня языка
Tatiana Yanko
Institute of Linguistics RAS / Pushkin State Russian Language InstituteAbstract
This paper is aimed at illustrating the phenomenon of compositionality in the system of the communicative meanings and their prosodic means of expression. The regularity in combining the communicative meanings is illustrated by the compositions of 1) the illocutionary meanings, 2) the meaning of discourse incompleteness, and 3) the meaning of communicative contrast. It is demonstrated that discourse incompleteness functions not only within the row of statements which constitute a connected text, but also within sequences of questions, including the contrastive contexts. The systemic method of analysis has been applied therefore to the description of a fragment of linguistic pragmatics. The material for the analysis is a minor working corpus of the sound speech specifically set up for this investigation on the basis the Russian National corpus.
the Russian language prosody opic focus discourse incompleteness yes-noquestion li-questionReferences
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Institute of Linguistics RAS / Pushkin State Russian Language Institute