The image-concept of Russia in the British mass media texts (2017-2019)

Ksenia Posternyak

Southern Federal University


The subject of this article are the linguistic means used to form the image-concept “Russia”. Corpus content analysis on the wide range material of the British print and electronic press for 2017-2019 is the base for constructing the nominative field with the core and near, far and final peripheries of image ”Russia”. The conceptual analysis revealed verbal means used for expansion of the concept volume and its component layers- metaphorical, nominative, evaluative and associative. These devices create the negative image-concept of state Russia in British public consciousness.


linguistic imagology     linguistic conceptology     British media discourse     image-concept of state ‘Russia’     nominative field of the concept     structure of the concept, nominative     metaphorical value     associative components of the concept

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Cited by

Posternyak, K. (2020). The image-concept of Russia in the British mass media texts (2017-2019). Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski, 11(2), 95–106.

Ksenia Posternyak 
Southern Federal University