Apocalyptic motifs and images in media texts on Brexit and Ukrainian elections
Ganna Krapivnyk
H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical Universityhttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-1641-987X
The paper provides the linguistic analysis of verbalising apocalyptic motifs and images in the media texts, devoted to the topical processes of Brexit and Ukrainian elections. It was confirmed that these motifs and images serve as a tool for influencing the recipients and noted that the consideration of the linguistic realization of images and motifs in the texts of media resources refers to the rapidly developing field of media linguistics. The word families, enriching Ukrainian and English with the neologisms related to the above extra-linguistic processes were singled out. The semantic fields of the considered images and motifs were described. Suggestions for further research were outlined.
media texts apocalyptic motifs and images Brexit explicit and implicit verbalisation media discourseReferences
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Corner, J. (1995), Documentary television: the scope for media linguistics. In: AILA Review. Applied Linguistics Across Disciplines. 12, 62-67.
Christine, R. (2019), How Brexit changed the English language. BBC website. 14 March 2019 [access 25 IX 2019].
Dobrosklonskaya, T. H. [Добросклонская, Т. Г.] (2008), Медиалингвистика: системный подход к изучению языка СМИ. Москва.
Encyclopaedia Britannica (2019), Encyclopaedia Britannica. In: https://www.britannica.com/topic/eschatology [access 25 IX 2019].
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Fontaine, L. (2017), The early semantics of the neologism BREXIT: a lexicogrammatical approach. Functional Linguistics. 4. doi:10.1186/s40554-017-0040-x.
Freedland, J. (2019), How Brexit is causing the strange death of British conservatism. The Guardian. 7 June 2019. In: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/jun/07/brexit-strange-deathbritish-conservatism [access 09 VI 2019].
Harris, J. (2019), Brexit may feel apocalyptic – but radical new ideas are taking root. 30 September 2019. In: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/sep/30/brexit-apocalyptic-radicalnew-ideas-progressive-thinking [access 01 X 2019].
Henley, J. (2019a), The Guardian Brexit weekly briefing: May resigns and Tories and Labour are savaged at EU polls. 28 May 2019. In: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/may/28/brexitweekly-briefing-may-resigns-tories-and-labour-savaged-at-eu-polls [access 25 IX 2019].
Henley, J. (2019b), Brexit weekly briefing: no evidence of progress on deal – despite claims. The Guardian. In: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/sep/24/brexit-weekly-briefing-no-evidenceof-progress-on-deal-despite-claims?utm_term=RWRpdG9yaWFsX0JyZXhpdEJyaWVmaW5n-LTE5MDkyNA%3D%3D&utm_source=esp&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=BrexitBriefing&CMP=brexitbriefing_email [access 27 IX 2019].
Hungtinton, S. (2003), Stolknovenye tsyvylyzatsyy. Moskva. [Хангтингтон, С. (2003), Столкновение цивилизаций. Москва.]
Jenkins, S. (2019), The prime minister revels in war rhetoric, but could end up its victim. The Guardian. In: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/sep/06/prime-minister-war-rhetoric-tradenegotiations [access 15 IX 2019].
Kramar, O. [Крамар, О.] (2019), Український маніфест. In: https://tyzhden.ua/World/226041 [access 23 V 2019].
Krapyvenko, D. [Крапивенко, Д.] (2019), Що залишиться після виборів. In: https://tyzhden.ua/ Society/228326 [access 27 VI 2019].
Kraemer, D. (2019), Can no-deal Brexit be stopped? In: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-48519746 [access 10 IX 2019].
Lalić-Krstin, G./Silaški, N. (2018), From Brexit to Bregret: An account of some Brexit-induced neologisms in English. English Today, 34 (2), 3-8. DOI: 10.1017/S0266078417000530.
Lebedyev, V. (2010), [Лебедєв, В.] (2010), Анатомія масової культури. Харків.
Luyendijk, J. (2019), Europe isn’t the enemy – demonising us is undermining Britain. The Guardian. 29 September 2019. In: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/sep/29/europe-isntenemy-undermining-britain-tories-nasty-party [access 29 IX 2019].
Malko, R. [Малко, Р. (2019а), Камікад-Зе. In: https://tyzhden.ua/Politics/228722 [access 20 V 2019].
Malko, R. [Малко, Р.] (2019b), Парламент. Виставити запобіжники. In: https://tyzhden.ua/Politics/228993 [access 2 IX 2019].
Matheson, D. (2013), Медиа-дискурс. Анализ медиа-текстов. Исследования медиа и культуры. Харьков.
McQueen, A. (2017), Political Realism in Apocalyptic Times. Cambridge. DOI: 10.1017/9781316588307.
O’Hagan, E.M. (2019), The real consequence of a no-deal Brexit is not short-term shock – it’s a long recession. The Guardian. 20 August 2019. In: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/aug/20/real-consequence-no-deal-brexit-long-recession [access 21 IX 2019]
Parliament suspension: Angry Commons exchanges as MPs return to work. BBC News. 25 September 2019. In: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-49826524 [access 27 IX 2019]
Pocheptsov, H. H. [Почепцов, Г. Г.] (2001), Теория коммуникации. Москва.
Poyrazlar, E. (2019), How Brexit is playing into Erdogan’s hands in Turkey. The Guardian, 5 June 2019. In: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/jun/05/brexit-erdogan-turkey-eudemocracy [access 15 IX 2019].
Prystaiko, T. S. [Пристайко, Т. С.] (2019), Что в Брексите тебе моём… (лексема Брексит в зеркале языковой игры). Дніпро.]
Renner, K. J. (2012), The Appeal of the Apocalypse. In: Literature Interpretation Theory. 23, 203-211.
Ryaboshtan, I. [Рябоштан, І.] (2019), Повернення Донбасу очима українців. In: https://tyzhden.ua/Society/226765 [access 22 V 2019].
Singal, P. (2017), Major Themes in Post-Apocalyptic British Fiction. International Journal of Research. In: https://internationaljournalofresearch.com/2017/03/16/major-themes-in-post-apocalyptic-britishfiction/ [access 22 V 2019].
Slabkist’… (2019), Слабкість перед лицем зухвалої агресії РФ мають катастрофічні наслідки. In: https://tyzhden.ua/News/226866 [access 01 IX 2019].
Solovyov, V. S. [Соловьев, В. С.] (2010), Оправдание добра. Москва.
Strakh (2019), Страх і ненависть у Фейсбуку: як українці сваряться через вибори. In: https://www.bbc.com/ukrainian/features-47784858 [access 19 V 2019].
Vovchuk, Kh. [Вовчук, Х.] (2019а), Світові ЗМІ про вибори президента України: шанси головних кандидатів і майбутні відносини з РФ. In: https://tyzhden.ua/World/226279 [access 25 V 2019].
Vovchuk, Kh. [Вовчук, Х.] (2019b), Світ про результати першого туру виборів президента України: нове політичне обличчя та стійкий лідер. In: https://tyzhden.ua/World/22865 [access30 V 2019].
Wilhelm, H. (2019), It’s the End of the World (Again). National Review. In: https://www.nationalreview.com/2017/03/donald-trump-media-apocalyptic-rhetoric-unhealthy-unsustainable/ [access 22 V 2019].
Yatsimіrs’ka, M./Dragan, N. [Яцимірська, М./Драган, Н.] (2007), Медіатекст як продукт журналістської творчості (психолінгвістичний аналіз логічного сприйняття та емоцій). Львів.
Younge, G. (2019), Brexit is not the cause of Britain’s political breakdown a symptom. In: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/mar/21/brexit-political-crisis-britain [access 27 VI 2019].
Krapivnyk, G. (2020). Apocalyptic motifs and images in media texts on Brexit and Ukrainian elections. Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski, 11(2), 117–129. https://doi.org/10.31648/pw.6495
Ganna Krapivnyk
H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University
H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University