Images of fear in language communities and cultures: the case of Slavic, Germanic, Romance, and Celtic languages

Образы страха в культурно-языковых сообществах (на материале славянских, германских и кельтских языков)

Pavel Dronov

The Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Yevgeniya Ioanesyan

The Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Maria Kovshova

The Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Being a case study of lexical and figurative units in Slavic, Germanic, and Romance languages, as well as Irish, the paper deals with the means of naming fear, revealing its connection to other concepts. The paper covers models of naming this emotion represented in the underlying metaphors, synchronous polysemy and phraseology. As the analysis shows, different languages have different primary associations with fear, e.g. darkness, uncertainty, insecurity, loneliness, high altitude, etc. To investigate underlying images and metaphors found in the naïve worldview, the authors use the corpus-based approach, as well as (for the Russian data) the technique of modified semantic differential. The technique, based on an experiment involving Russianspeaking respondents, allowed for distinguishing and detailing criteria of perceiving names and predicates denoting fear.


Semantics     phraseology     models of naming     emotion     psychosemantic experiment

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Cited by

Dronov, P., Ioanesyan, Y., & Kovshova, M. (2020). Images of fear in language communities and cultures: the case of Slavic, Germanic, Romance, and Celtic languages: Образы страха в культурно-языковых сообществах (на материале славянских, германских и кельтских языков). Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski, 11(2), 445–454.

Pavel Dronov 
The Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Yevgeniya Ioanesyan 
The Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Maria Kovshova 
The Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences