Verbal image of the post-soviet business elite

Verbal image of the post-Soviet business elite

Vladimir Bazylev

Higher School of Economics National Research University Moscow


The material is devoted to the description, including on the basis of experimental data, of the speech image of the post-Soviet business elite. The study was carried out in the paradigm of the Lotman’s semiosphere. Three clusters are described – the verbal, the cognitive, and the pragmatic one. The study is based on an integrative methodology for objective speech portraying the personality, who uses hybrid image strategies and tactics due to the ambiguous perception of the business elite in modern Russian public opinion.


linguistic personology, verbal image, image, cognitive strategies, pragmatics

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Cited by

Bazylev, V. . (2021). Verbal image of the post-soviet business elite: Verbal image of the post-Soviet business elite. Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski, 12(2), 419–432.

Vladimir Bazylev 
Higher School of Economics National Research University Moscow