Between different stylistic poles: the work of women sculptors in Lviv in the years 1919-1939
Yuri Biryulov
Lviv National Academy of ArtsAbstract
For the first time in the study of art, this article presents, in an integrated manner, the view of imaginative-stylistic originality of sculptural heritage of the Lviv women of that period, which has not been explored until the present time, and it provides new biographical details. Based on the principles of A. Rodin, A. Maillol and E.-A. Bourdelle, the artists developed the ideas of post-impressionism, neo-symbolism and archaization on a local basis. They were especially interested in the problems of form and construction, rhythmic composition and simplification of all elements. The desire for generalized and closed volumes as well as geometrized forms sometimes led to a rethinking of cubism. After 1930, avant-garde works, close to the principles of constructiv-ism, cubism, futurism and geometric abstractionism, appeared. They also used bold technical innovations: col-lages, synthesis of sculpture and painting.
Lviv, women, sculpture, styles, bas-relief, three-dimensional figure, monument, composition, formReferences
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Lviv National Academy of Arts