Slow strengthening of Latvia’s resilience in preventing and combating corruption: an analysis of causes
Nataliia Khoma
Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityIhor Vdovychyn
Ivan Franko National University of LvivAbstract
The aim of the article is to present the authors’ assessment of the effectiveness of the anti-corruption policy in Latvia, to establish the compliance of national anti-corruption strategies with the EU goals in terms of preventing and combating corruption. The research methods aim at confirming a hypothesis that in order to deepen anti-corruption reforms and strengthen resilience in the fight against corruption, it is not enough for Latvia to conduct only institutional reforms, but it is important to promote anti-corruption values. The study is based on the methodology of new institutionalism and axiological analysis. The authors argue that if the role of non-democratic values is significant, it will slow down the progressive institutional reforms needed to bring Latvia’s anti-corruption policies fully in line with EU development strategies.
corruption, anti-corruption, policy, EU, LatviaReferences
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Lviv Polytechnic National University
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv