Russian-African relations in the light of the war in Ukraine
Bara Ndiaye
University of Warmia and Mazury in OlsztynAbstract
The aim of this article is to analyze Russian-African relations and the continent’s reactions to the war in Ukraine unleashed by Putin. The analysis also answers the question of whether the behavior of many African countries during the voting of the UN resolution against the war in Ukraine confirms the influence of Russia on the continent. The article also attempts to identify the causes of the conflict. The analysis of the history of Rusian-African relations is based essentially on the work of Russian historians and the research of Slava Tynes, an African-American researcher. It also includes studies by Arnaud Dubien, a French specialist in Russian foreign policy, Franco-Russian relations, and Russian policy in Africa, as well as by Sophie Coeuré, a professor at the University of Paris, and a specialist in Russia. The analysis of the position of African countries towards the war in Ukraine is based mainly on the publications of African intellectuals examining the behavior of African countries during the vote at the UN forum. Our analysis comes to a conclusion that the strategic attitude of African countries and the AU should be positioned as a powerful factor of reconciliation and mediation. On the other hand, African countries, in most cases, remain divided, weak and dependent on the former colonial powers, which results in the lack of a firm reaction to the protagonists of the war in Ukraine.
Africa, Russia, relations, Ukraine, invasion, war, sphere of influence, NATO, United NationsReferences
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University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn