Ольга Касымова

Кафедра общего и сравнительно-исторического языкознания Башкирский государственный университет


This article is devoted to the basic theme „The ways of expressing the picture of the world
in language”. In modern research, the usage of the expressions “the world image” and “picture
of the world” is very urgent and topical. Language is closely connected with thinking, though is
not identical with it. Each language has its own way of the expression of surrounding reality which
is expressed in general national and specific systems of views for all its speakers. This leads to
the formation of the unique national linguistic picture of the world, common for the whole
The word “forest” occupies an important place in our consciousness; it implements a generic
meaning of “nature” and has similar meanings in Russian and Polish linguistic pictures of the world.
There exist some meanings of this word in Russian and Polish: a terrain overgrown with trees,
a certain living creature, and construction material. Thus the word “forest” has an identical combinability
in the related languages.

Słowa kluczowe:

lexical meaning, language picture of the world

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Cited By /

Касымова, О. (2018). ОБРАЗ ЛЕСА В ЯЗЫКОВОЙ КАРТИНЕ МИРА (НА МАТЕРИАЛЕ РУССКОГО И ПОЛЬСКОГО ЯЗЫКОВ). Acta Neophilologica, 1(XVII), 45–48. Pobrano z https://czasopisma.uwm.edu.pl/index.php/an/article/view/624

Ольга Касымова 
Кафедра общего и сравнительно-исторического языкознания Башкирский государственный университет