Нина Мечковская

Białoruski Uniwersytet Państwowy w Mińsku


Democratisation of languages happens commonly and spontaneously. The main process in
the development of language democratisation is the transition from cultural bilinguism, so typical
of the Middle Ages, to national monolinguism. That kind of language conversion was a linguistic
component of the powerful historical trend towards the intensification of being social and towards
homogeneousation of human communities. Language policy has trivial results in lexicographic
and grammatical codification and a few serious results in the degree of freedom in mass media and
public communication as also in the linguistic ideology of community (in deontological and
axiological modalities towards language).


democratisation of languages factors collisions alternatives

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Мечковская, Н. (2006). ДЕМОКРАТИЗАЦИЯ ЯЗЫКОВ: ФАКТОРЫ, КОЛЛИЗИИ И АЛЬТЕРНАТИВЫ. Acta Neophilologica, (VIII), 129–138. Abgerufen von https://czasopisma.uwm.edu.pl/index.php/an/article/view/1374

Нина Мечковская 
Białoruski Uniwersytet Państwowy w Mińsku