Katarzyna Kwapisz-Osadnik
Instytut Języków Romańskich i Translatoryki Uniwersytet Śląski w KatowicachAbstract
This article is devoted to the uses of different Italian prepositions in expressions
describing the same fragment of reality, as exemplified by: una ragazza dai capelli
rossi and con una ragazza (i) capelli rossi, both referring to a red-haired girl. Situating
the research in the field of Cognitive Grammar by R. Langacker (the relation between
a trajector and a landmark) and based on the conception of pre-cognitive schema, the
following hypotheses were verified: 1. preposition, as a relational category, reconstructs
in a sentence the relation between the trajector and the landmark; 2. preposition, as
a localistic category, illustrates the spatial and/or temporal mutual distribution of the
trajector and the landmark; 3. the ordering of the trajector and the landmark does
not necessarily reflect the order of perceived elements: the element expressed after
a preposition can be a starting point to the perception of a scene; 4. differences in
the choice of prepositions express different ways to conceptualize the same fragment
of reality; 5. prototypical uses of prepositions refer to relational schemas and localistic
pre-conceptual schema; 6.there exist asemantic uses of prepositions, as indicated
by language users’ preferences; 7. each preposition has its own semantic invariant.
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Instytut Języków Romańskich i Translatoryki Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
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