Елена Имаева

Государственный университет управления Москва


Studies into fiction and its linguistic specifies are frequently done from the perspective of
comprehension. In this study comprehension means finding and construing senses. Therefore
the entire text is the area for building up senses. The sense of the text is explained as
a configuration of ties and relationships among various elements in a situation emerging as
a result of some activity or communication at the moment when that situation is being created
or recreated by a person who adequately understands the text.
In the article the figurative sense of the prose by Boris Pasternak and the semantic diversity
of the language in the prose by Henry James and the comedy by William Shakespeare are
shown. In prose semantic vagueness and polysemantic ambiguity are connected. The process
of understanding the texts of implied sense is described.
A complementary principle in the system of language tunes down and brings together
the multicoloured canvas of the text. The naturalistic meticulousness is contrasted to the
overall whole. Determination arouses the reader’s curiosity and encourages him to look for
the inexplicitly expressed sense of the text.
Today, given the available findings of extensive scholarly research, it is imperative to
probe into the issues surrounding sense from new offbeat angles and vantage points.


prose, synonym, sense, homonymy, implied sense, interpretation, understanding

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Имаева, Е. (2012). ПОНИМАНИЕ ТЕКСТОВ НЕЯВНОГО СМЫСЛООБРАЗОВАНИЯ. Acta Neophilologica, 2(XIV), 13–19. Abgerufen von https://czasopisma.uwm.edu.pl/index.php/an/article/view/932

Елена Имаева 
Государственный университет управления Москва