Katarzyna Popek-Bernat

Instytut Studiów Iberyjskich i Iberoamerykańskich Uniwersytet Warszawski


The aim of this paper is to investigate the axiology related to the IN(TO)-OUT
orientation. Following the assumptions developed by Krzeszowski [1994, 1997],
the type of values ascribed to these orientations may vary within a specific context.
In order to verify whether and how often the IN(TO) and the OUT orientations are
in fact positively or negatively loaded and to what extent their axiologies are (in)stable,
some linguistic elaborations of the sex-related orientational metaphors in Spanish and
Polish are analyzed. The study is based on the premises of the Fundamental Axiological
Matrix conception [Krzeszowski 1997].


Fundamental Axiological Matrix, Preconceptual Image Schemata, IN(TO)- -OUT Orientation, PLUS-MINUS Axiological Parameter, Spanish and Polish Sex-Related Orientational Metaphors

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Cited by

Popek-Bernat, K. (2017). AXIOLOGICAL (IN)STABILITY OF THE IN(TO)-OUT ORIENTATION. Acta Neophilologica, 1(XIX), 17–31.

Katarzyna Popek-Bernat 
Instytut Studiów Iberyjskich i Iberoamerykańskich Uniwersytet Warszawski