Krzysztof Polok

Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna Bielsko-Biała


The paper discusses various culture-connected forms of context that can be inferred from
a text in the moment it is being dealt with. While presenting mutual counter-dependencies
of language and culture the paper offers an analysis of culture-bound aspects of context as
they are found to have been functioning from the point of view of one’s text comprehension.
This is where the cognitive theory of language as offered by Ronald Langacker [2003] is
briefly discussed and mutual forms of correspondence between the text-existing language and
the context which comes out as a symbolic unit to be recognized as the cognitive basis of
the (con)text-connected reality for the readers are analyzed. Finally, the paper discusses the
forms of influence of various culture-connected issues of reasoning upon the linguistic forms
of cognitive illustration of the approach towards the description of local environment as they
are generally observed in different forms of L2 communication.


culture, language, text, context, L2 teaching

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Cited by

Polok, K. (2013). ON THE CULTURAL ASPECTS OF TEXT AND CONTEXT IN THE GLOTTODIDACTIC PROCESS OF L2 LEARNERS. Acta Neophilologica, 1(XV), 125–142. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.uwm.edu.pl/index.php/an/article/view/855

Krzysztof Polok 
Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna Bielsko-Biała