The The use of literature and songs from varying cultures in Węgajty Theatre’s Kalevala; fragmenty niepisane

Trevor Hill

University of Warmia-Mazury in Olsztyn


Despite being produced and performed in 2000-2001 Projekt Terenowy Węgajty’s Kalevala; fragmenty niepisane has received practically no academic attention. This article seeks to partly redress this by examining the use of German, Russian and Ukrainian songs in the production. The article examines the work against the group’s earlier projects as well as exploring the background behind the production and how songs from various different cultures and languages were used to illustrate the Finnish epic, as well considering how effective the strategies were overall.


Kalevala, Węgajty, Polish Theatre, European literature, folk song

Supporting Agencies

Economic Social Research Council (ESRC)

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Cited by

Hill, T. (2023). The The use of literature and songs from varying cultures in Węgajty Theatre’s Kalevala; fragmenty niepisane. Acta Neophilologica, 1(XXV), 51–69.

Trevor Hill 
University of Warmia-Mazury in Olsztyn