Folkloristic Motifs in the Artistic Space of The Beautiful Suit by Herbert George Wells

Tatiana Jankowska

Uniwersytet Gdański


The elements of symbiosis between a literary work and fable are clearly reflected in the
structure of Herbert George Wells short story The Beautiful Suit that was published originally
as A Moonlight Fable. The distinct allusion of the author about the title as well as the fact of
two titles indicates similarity to folkloristic genre and gives posibility to perceive the story in
two ways: literary work and fable. The typical semantics of folkloristic works is introduced
by a number of constant formulas and motifs. They are conditioned by the function of
moonlight topos that creates the opposition man – moon. The determining character of this
antithesis implies the main division of the text and provides the paradigmatic sequence man –
earth – mortal life versus moon – heaven – eternity that constitutes the fundamental element
to model the basic relationships of the space and time structure.
As well as in the sources of mythology and folklore the motif of the moon in the Wells’s
short story introduces the aspect of duality of the depicted world, has an allegorical effect on
the protagonist’s fate that touches the secret of existence and happiness.


fable, moon, beautiful, suit, Herbert George Wells

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Cited by

Jankowska, T. (2012). Folkloristic Motifs in the Artistic Space of The Beautiful Suit by Herbert George Wells. Acta Neophilologica, 2(XIV), 129–140. Retrieved from

Tatiana Jankowska 
Uniwersytet Gdański