Strategie aktu przeproszenia w nauce języku portugalskiego jako obcego

Justyna Wiśniewska

Uniwersytet Marie Curie-Skłodowskiej


We begin our considerations with claiming that in the process of teaching a foreign language, the primary aim is to develop the pragmatic and communicative competence which means, among others, the ability to construct utterances that are correct and adequate for a particular communicative situation. The subject of this article is to present formal strategies concerning the act of apology, employed by Polish students in the process of learning Portuguese as a foreign language. Since the act of apology can be considered as one of the most essential acts of speech in communication, it is, therefore, important to verify which type of the act of apology is employed by students who are not native users of the Portuguese language.

Ключевые слова:

acts of speech, act of apology, pragmatics, foreign language

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Wiśniewska, J. (2021). Strategie aktu przeproszenia w nauce języku portugalskiego jako obcego. Acta Neophilologica, 1(XXIII), 49–60.

Justyna Wiśniewska 
Uniwersytet Marie Curie-Skłodowskiej