Czesław Płusa

Katedra Literatury i Kultury Niemiec, Austrii i Szwajcarii Uniwersytet Łódzki


The topic of these deliberations is the drama Die Schattenlinie by Tankred Dorst.
The focus is on the demise oft he fundamental pillars of the literature created by
the world based on the metaphysical structure of good and evil, truth and falsehood. That
was the enclosed world, which was reflected in the unity of action, space, time, subject,
thinking, family etc. Die Schattenlinie illustrates the transition to the postmodernist world, with its vanishing center being replaced with ‚differance‘ (Derrida). Polarization
and the antithesis of values have lost their old grandeur. The unrelenting dominance
of abstract logic, plan, progress and constraint of tradition have become a seemingly
perfect structure since they do not fulfill the ambitions of modern-day varieties of life.
Thinking as an image oft he world in its casual and linear dimension has lost a cognitive
value. Dorst’s drama encompasses many parallel realities, many worlds, with events
taking place simultaneously.

Ключевые слова:

the traditional and the modern poetics, crisis oft he modern consciousness, deconstruction as the postmodernist thinking profile

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Płusa, C. (2018). WOKÓŁ POSTMODERNISTYCZNEJ POETYKI DRAMATU TANKREDA DORSTA DIE SCHATTENLINIE. Acta Neophilologica, 1(XVIII), 111–124. извлечено от https://czasopisma.uwm.edu.pl/index.php/an/article/view/610

Czesław Płusa 
Katedra Literatury i Kultury Niemiec, Austrii i Szwajcarii Uniwersytet Łódzki