Łukasz Matusz
Instytut Języka Angielskiego Uniwersytet Śląski w KatowicachАннотация
Verbal aggression and insults constitute an increasingly important topic of contemporary
linguistic analysis. The aim of this article is to present a simple analysis of linguistic
insults in the framework of the force dynamics theory as presented by Talmy [1988].
The force-dynamic theory describes different relations of physical, psychological, social,
intertextual causation by means of interaction between two entities of force (Agonist
and Antagonist). Selected categories of insults are analyzed by means of force-dynamic
models. These categories include successful insults, unsuccessful insults, redirected insults,
intensifying insults, and insults chains. I intend to demonstrate that the theory of force
dynamics is a viable candidate for providing a convincing framework for the analysis
of linguistic insults. The article concludes with some suggestions concerning the future
research into the field of verbal aggression in connection with the theory of force dynamics.
Ключевые слова:
cognitive linguistics, force dynamics, insults, verbal aggression, visual representationБиблиографические ссылки
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
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No 12: 49-100.
Instytut Języka Angielskiego Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach