Published: 2020-10-031

Wybrane zagadnienia z organizacji systemu ochrony ludności w Stanach Zjednoczonych Ameryki na rzecz budowania odporności społeczeństwa na zagrożenia

Piotr Stanisław Kolmann
Civitas et Lex
Section: Security Studies


Sovereign states of the world have different approaches to ensuring civil protection – they generally set similar goals in this respect, but show a heterogeneous risk appetite, adopt different organizational solutions, or use different means for the purposes of their implementation. As part of the article, the author focused on selected issues from organization of the civil protection system – using the example of the United States of America. This country is well developed, among others in terms of exploitation of numerous created security systems. In the selected research area, a number of initiatives were used to build the society's resilience to threats. Analyzing them may be valuable due to the later consideration of adopting a similar approach also in the Republic of Poland, however, it requires conducting further research, including as part of dedicated feasibility studies.


security sciences, protection of civilians, society, resilience to threats

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Kolmann, P. S. (2020). Wybrane zagadnienia z organizacji systemu ochrony ludności w Stanach Zjednoczonych Ameryki na rzecz budowania odporności społeczeństwa na zagrożenia. Civitas Et Lex, 27(3), 31–42.

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