Published: 2021-10-021

Problemy właściwej kwalifikacji prawnej czynu tzw. „oszustwa podatkowego” w świetle przepisów kodeksu karnego skarbowego (art.76) i kodeksu karnego (art. 286).

Tomasz Witold Sobecki
Civitas et Lex
Section: Legal Sciences


This study concerns the relationship between the provisions of the Criminal Code and the Fiscal Criminal Code regulating the issue of the so-called "Tax fraud". It also refers to the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court and courts of appeal in this respect, as well as to views expressed in the doctrine and is an attempt to organize the views and views on this issue and to present the arguments of the parties to the dispute as to the application of the regulations in question in the everyday practice of common courts.


Tax fraud - The Criminal Code - Fiscal Criminal Code

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Sobecki, T. W. (2021). Problemy właściwej kwalifikacji prawnej czynu tzw. „oszustwa podatkowego” w świetle przepisów kodeksu karnego skarbowego (art.76) i kodeksu karnego (art. 286). Civitas Et Lex, 31(3), 29–42.

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