Published: 2021-10-021

Uprowadzenie rodzicielskie na tle Konwencji Haskiej

Aleksandra Potaczało
Civitas et Lex
Section: Legal Sciences


This article talks about the issue of parental abduction in legal terms, focusing on selected terms in the field of constitutional law, family and guardianship law, and above all in the field of legal regulations included in the Hague Convention.

The aim of the article is to discuss the main issues related to the topic of abduction under the Hague Convention, including presentation of doctrine and jurisprudence. In addition, the article also aims to distinguish wrongful removal from wrongful retention of a child; presentation of the provisions on ordering the immediate return of child and the grounds for rejecting the request for the return of the child.

The analysis of this article leads to the conclusion that legal assumptions in theory provide a quick and effective procedure, while in practice the waiting period for a final decision is significantly extended, which consequently hinders the child's return.

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Potaczało, A. (2021). Uprowadzenie rodzicielskie na tle Konwencji Haskiej. Civitas Et Lex, 31(3), 15–27.

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