Published: 2021-10-091

The state, needs and prospects of research on the history of the Ełk diocese, part 1: Political system and organization

Wojciech Guzewicz
Civitas et Lex
Section: Varia


The full description of the history of the Ełk diocese in terms of the system and organization is a difficult undertaking and requires, apart from Benedictine searches, a lot of resources, effort and work. Is the scientific potential of the diocese (because this is where researchers on this topic come from) is prepared for it? We will probably get an answer to this question only some time later, when subsequent researchers will illustrate the state, needs and perspectives of research on the history of the Ełk diocese, and thus fill another gap in historiography. Here, it should be said that despite the still short period of existence of the Ełk diocese, researchers managed to raise many important issues in the subject at hand. In total, about 100 scientific publications can be found and it is a good starting point for creating a multifaceted monograph of the Ełk diocese and the institutions that make up this unit.


diocese of Ełk, historiography

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Guzewicz, W. (2021). The state, needs and prospects of research on the history of the Ełk diocese, part 1: Political system and organization. Civitas Et Lex, 31(3), 43–53.

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