Published: 2021-10-021

Tomasz Snarski, Kościół katolicki wobec kary śmierci. Między prawem a filozofią i teologią, Warszawa [Biblioteka ,,Więzi”] 2021, 190 p. -Book Review

Paweł Antoni Boike
Civitas et Lex
Section: Reviews


The text is a review of a book on the moral assessment of the death penalty from the point of view of the Catholic Church. The work by Tomasz Snarski deserves recognition, although the author omitted some sources. The biblical idea of mercy and the inalienable dignity of every person are the reasons why Pope Francis decided finally that the death penalty is always wicked. Snarski approves of this decision and argues that it is the result of the development of personalistic reflection within the church rather than an inspiration from secular abolitionism.


death penalty, criminal punishment, Catholic Church, Pope Francis

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Boike, P. A. (2021). Tomasz Snarski, Kościół katolicki wobec kary śmierci. Między prawem a filozofią i teologią, Warszawa [Biblioteka ,,Więzi”] 2021, 190 p. -Book Review. Civitas Et Lex, 31(3), 83–86.

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