Published: 2022-07-181

Cosmopolitan rule of law norm in the context of European Union federalization – its assessment and significance for competitiveness

Waldemar Świątkowski
Civitas et Lex
Section: Administration Studies


The article shows firstly the analytical relationship between the German – based on the Kant’s philosophy of law – federal order and its trial to be extended to the dimension of European complexity. Next, the article aims at answering the following questions: Is Kant’s (cosmopolitan) rule of law, which is promoted within the frames of European federal thought, more a friend or foe to entrepreneurship? In other words, does this norm not recode the classical free trade rule in the direction of deontological inclusiveness of a market? Does linking EU funds or state’s subventions for companies with cosmopolitan rule of law norm makes that the return to a flexible free trade attitude will be legally restricted, or even impossible? Or more, is the rule of cosmopolitan (deontological) law economically beneficial to the same extent either to entities with weaker capital or rising economies and to companies with powerful capital and developed economies?


Key words: cosmopolitism, federation, rule of law, competition, free trade

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Świątkowski, W. (2022). Cosmopolitan rule of law norm in the context of European Union federalization – its assessment and significance for competitiveness. Civitas Et Lex, 35(3), 19–31.

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