Published: 2022-12-081

Media image of demoralization. Pathostreaming as a psychopedagogical problem

Agnieszka Żejmo
Civitas et Lex
Section: Education


The subject of the work is the phenomenon of pathostreaming. Its essence, Polish specificity and repercussions from the perspective of psychopedagogy were presented. Possible preventive measures were also discussed. In order to provide a summary of the findings so far in the above-mentioned scope, the method of desk research was used, through which the literature on the related issues was reviewed.


pathostreaming, demoralization, social deviations, psychopedagogy

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Żejmo, A. (2022). Media image of demoralization. Pathostreaming as a psychopedagogical problem. Civitas Et Lex, 36(4), 21–37.

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