Contemporary migration is a major challenge for the international community. Migration
is not only a change of the demographic character of the region or the increase of cheap labour.
Migration is primarily a tragedy of millions of people who are deprived of the homes, are forced by
human and natural factors to seek better social conditions of living.
The Church created the canonical structure of the pastoral care of migrants. These structures
operate on three levels: universal, national and diocesan. A major achievement was the creation
of the Pastoral Care of Migrants. However, these structures which are closest to the migrants
embody the ideas of pastoral care of migrants the most. Very important elements of this structure
are: personal parish for migrants and chaplain of migrants. The main aim of these structures is
to create an atmosphere of mutual understanding between the world of migrants and the local
community and to facilitating the integration.
However, the most important thing is the activity of individual believers who in everyday life
implement Christian values. Proper adoption and solidarity with world of migrants should be the
determinant attitude of Christians towards people who have left their homeland.
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