Pubblicato il: 2024-12-181

Rola AI w militaryzacji kosmosu

Anastazja Drapata
Civitas et Lex
Sezione: Studi sulla sicurezza


AI is a crucial technology in the space and military industries due to its precision and ability to learn rapidly, enabling higher efficiency compared to traditional warfare. However, its application in constructing space warfare systems has sparked controversy, particularly concerning the regulatory framework and the high risk of errors, which could lead to significant international liability. The increasing militarization of space raises ethical and legal concerns about the use of AI as a foundational technology for space warfare, potentially violating the principles of peaceful and open space use as outlined in the Outer Space Treaty of 1967. To address these issues, an analysis of AI's use in space warfare was conducted. Traditional legal reasoning, linguistic interpretation, and comparative methods were employed to reconstruct the norms governing the permissible use of AI technology, with a focus on diplomatic documents and UN-issued regulations.

Regole di citazione

Drapata, A. (2024). Rola AI w militaryzacji kosmosu . Civitas Et Lex, 44(4), 19–27.

