Pubblicato il: 2021-12-051

Piotr Gawliczek, Wojciech Guzewicz, Khayal Iskandrov, The south caucasus and non-military security threats, wydawnictwo UWM, Olsztyn 2021, PP. 135.

Jugoslav Achkoski
Civitas et Lex
Sezione: Recensioni

Regole di citazione

Achkoski, J. . (2021). Piotr Gawliczek, Wojciech Guzewicz, Khayal Iskandrov, The south caucasus and non-military security threats, wydawnictwo UWM, Olsztyn 2021, PP. 135 . Civitas Et Lex, 32(4), 95–100.

