Published: 2024-08-311

Romanian forensic doctor Alexandru Birkle – member of the International Medical Commission Investigating the Katyn Massacre (prepared for print by Piotr Daszkiewicz and Norbert Kasparek, translated by Piotr Daszkiewicz)

Steluţa Pestrea-Suciu , Piotr Daszkiewicz , Norbert Kasparek
Echa Przeszłości


This article presents some unknown moments from the biography of the forensic doctor Alexandru Birkle, a member of the International Medical Commission on behalf of Romania, which investigated the Katyn massacre perpetrated by the Soviets. The information provided by his daughter, Dr. Rodica Birkle Marta, concerns the period when the Birkle family lived in Brasov, where the forensic doctor practiced, the friendships with the personalities of the city that sheltered him, when he was persecuted by the Soviets for the truths he told. On the other hand, it mentions the period of suffering in the communist prison, when the mother and daughter were imprisoned after Dr. Alexandru Birkle had escaped abroad, having the opportunity to testify before the US Congress. 


Brasov, Birkle Alexandru, Katyn, American Congress, Mother Alexandra

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Pestrea-Suciu, S., Daszkiewicz, P., & Kasparek, N. (2024). Romanian forensic doctor Alexandru Birkle – member of the International Medical Commission Investigating the Katyn Massacre (prepared for print by Piotr Daszkiewicz and Norbert Kasparek, translated by Piotr Daszkiewicz). Echa Przeszłości, (XXV/1), 245–251.

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